Game Golden Dragon online. Play for free

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"The world of fantasy and fairy tales will always have sea fans. It attracts and fascinates people with its secrets, magic amulets and magical creatures that do not exist in reality.

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Golden Dragon to play online

Golden Dragon to play online Game Description Golden Dragon online. How to play the game online "The world of fantasy and fairy tales will always have sea fans. It attracts and fascinates people with its secrets, magic amulets and magical creatures that do not exist in reality. We avidly read books, watch movies with pleasure and adore game made in the style of fantasy. "Golden Dragon" is here belongs. But it is different from others.
Here you will act as a magical being, which nature has generously endowed golden scales. However, this gift has become a curse for the protagonist. He had to hide and hide in the bush green and dark caves. But there he could rest from the constant attacks of enemies. After all, gold dragon - a tasty prey for the Knights. They droves attack you to kill and collect the precious skin. Protect yourself by using his fiery breath. Devastate your enemies in place or giving them close to you. Your main task - to rescue the dragon from imminent death and kill as many enemies of his knights. Using the control keys and mouse, you can spin on the spot and shoot fireballs. Thus he golden dragon hidden in the bushes, to not have to fend knights.
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