Game Designer online. Play for free

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Build various structures and at the same time at any moment to be able to fix everything you can, playing a game designer.

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Designer to play online

Designer to play online Game Description Designer online. How to play the game online Build various structures and at the same time at any moment to be able to fix everything you can, playing a game designer.
Design feature of the game is that you can use any number of blocks of all shapes and sizes, while you can set one unit to another, or you can put one beside the other blocks. To select or move the unit please use your mouse and drag the box in the right direction you. If you're a little crossed with the number of blocks, or you do not like the resulting design, then use the basket at the bottom of the playing field, there is also dragging the desired item, or start the game again.
Fantasize with the game designer that allows you to create any designs on your discretion, it may be a house or car, or whatever you wish. Including you will be able to change the color blocks. The game is so addictive that you can play for a long time or until until you can still fantasize, or you just do not get tired to invent new designs, invent and design.
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