Car race - Free Online Games

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Game racing car free offer to try different techniques. Sports cars, jeeps, trucks - racing car games are created for every taste.

Sites in category "Racing cars" you will find the most interesting online games racing cars. Undoubtedly, the games in this genre are among the most popular players of all ages. If you like to play racing cars, this section will surely make you happy. On our site games free racing cars available to play at any time. Moreover, especially liked toys you can download. It is worth noting that the games in this genre are quite diverse. For example, you can try to drive not only on conventional cars, but you are also available off-road racing in cars, in trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles, or anything that can move quickly. Indeed, apart from real-life models of cars and motorcycles, come across as a unique vehicle. As any fan of racing for almost every game of this genre is to win the competition. It should be noted that in addition to single races, in some games are entire championship, the fight that continues throughout the season. In some races you will have the honor to take part in the legendary race tracks. Just imagine that they are also held at the Soviet race cars! This is where the really interesting sight. However, in some games developers propose to test devised routes, which, however, do not yield to the complexity and picturesque. In some games, today revealed a popular topic of illegal racing. In them you will try on the role of a street racer who earns money and prestige for his driving skills. Here you will have to wait and dizzying rides through city streets and competition in racing drag racing at a distance of 402 meters. There is also the opportunity to become a drifter passing through bends tracks in stunning drifts. In addition to participation in competitive sports, games of this section make you feel like an expert in tuning cars. In some games you can try yourself in the role of a taxi driver, truck driver, and many other professions related to engines. In addition, some games are described stories in which the hero car for a way to save in different emergency situations. For example, such as the rescue of criminals or even the crowds walking dead. In general, race car games that give huge portions of adrenaline and tons of fun!

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